Cora Williamson

Leprechaun, Ed Sheeran, Coral, Coco, Cora Bora…I’ve heard it all. But despite my extremely Irish complexion and a name that’s impossible to create nicknames for, I think it’s best you know me as Cora. I am 16 years old and a rising junior at the Durham School of The Arts in Durham, North Carolina. Given the fact that it’s the “School of The Arts” I am required to have two artistic pathways, and the two that I have chosen to follow are journalism and creative writing! Ever since I was a kid I’ve had a great affinity for story telling; whether it be through imaginary play, acting or writing, I found a way to get the many stories swirling in my head out into the world. Now that I’ve matured and I have new methods of story-telling, I no longer find talking to myself as a “sane” outlet and my creativity has become much more technical, though just as strong. I first took interest in journalism the summer before my freshman year, which was heavily inspired by Rory Gilmore and her devoted journalistic spirit throughout the entire Gilmore Girls series. I’m on my schools paper and have recently found that I enjoy writing features on local businesses or pop-cultures role in mental health. I hope to pursue a career in journalism or at least a career that requires me to write. With luck I will be going to UNC Chapel Hill to guide me into that field.

On a more personal note, I have a large variety of hobbies and interests that have rounded me into who I am. From ages 2-12, I did all kinds of dance, but after the pandemic I found that I enjoyed Aerial Silks the most so I have continued with that. I don’t do performances but it is a fun and niche side hobby for my weekday afternoons. I’m super interested in the fashion and streetwear scene therefore I’ve become a chronic thrifter. Of course, a thrift outing isn’t complete without at least two lattes. My coffee addiction has become a trademark characteristic of mine, which is a direct result, yet again, of Gilmore Girls. Gilmore Girls is my favorite series and the witty pop-culture comments and jittery energy of Lorelei and Rory quickly became one of the largest influences in my life. I’ve modeled a lot of my personality after them, along with many other cultural influences like Jeff Buckley, The Dead Poets Society, Lala Land, Juno, Arctic Monkeys and Pinterest, just to name a few. Some of my other smaller interests are sewing, reading, crocheting, photography and collaging.

Durham is a wonderful city to grow up in, especially because I live within walking distance from downtown. I live with both of my parents and have one older brother named Jack, with the most ginger hair you’ve ever seen, and our Pitbull/Rottweiler dog, Pete. I am thankfully surrounded by a lot of good friends that I spend most of my time with. Who else would I go shopping with! My best friend Emerson unfortunately goes to boarding school in Virginia but when she comes home on break it’s like no time has passed. There is so much more I could tell you about myself and all the lovely people who have influenced my life but you’ll just have to talk to me to find that out!

Visiting Emerson in Virginia!
My friend Norah (on the right) and I (on the left) taking pictures while on a hike in Boone!

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