Xiomara Clarke

My name is Xiomara Clarke. I was born in Atlanta and live in Gwinnett County, Georgia. I am a rising junior and I went to Mill Creek High School, but I recently got redistricted to a new school.

My journalism experience is very limited because my schedule was full, but going to a new school, I hope to become involved in more journalism activities. I always had an interest in talking and writing, but I never decided to explore more into these fields.

When we were stuck in quarantine, I was bored, so I watched a lot of sports. I watched ESPN every day, and I looked up to some of the famous sports broadcasters and I realized that I wanted to do that as well. I am at this camp to learn more about what it takes to be a journalist and also improve my writing skills.

Aside from journalism, I play the violin and I play tennis. I don’t have my mind set on an exact career, but I know I want to do journalism and I am leaning towards the broadcast journalism field.

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