Man or Bear: Why Women Cannot Afford to Choose the Man

by Madison Connor
Hebron Christian Academy

“When everyone believes you, what’s that like?”

Legendary singer, songwriter, doctor, and performer Taylor Swift released a song during her Lover era called, “The Man,” which discusses sexism she has experienced both in the media, and in the world. In the song she asks a powerful question, “When everyone believes ya, what’s that like?”

The reason this question is so powerful is because as women, we are rarely believed. Not to say that men are also not believed, but it is much more common for women to be doubted, scrutinized, accused of lying, accused of tempting and looked at like they do not belong. a A recent media controversy has spiked, started by a man, asking women the question of “Would you rather be alone in the woods with a random man or bear,” and to their surprise, many women  chose a bear.

“Only wear one earphone, check behind you every minute or so, never be alone with a man you do not know, never leave your drink unattended, scream, give them a fight, always be aware of your surroundings. and learn self defense.”

Many people ask why women chose the bear, but contrary to popular opinion, it is not because women woke up one day and decided to hate men. It is a result of conditional training and instinct women have been given over centuries that have taught us to be wary of men, many of them quoted above. It is a result of the fact that over hundreds of years, women have been treated like second class citizens, inferior to men,, treated like cattle, treated as objects by men, and treated like birth-givers and nothing else. We are told that boys are boys. School dress codes are even implemented supporting these notions, with girls having to dress conservatively to not “tempt” the boys.  

“I still have nightmares years later.”

One of my dearest friends said this about the man — a family member — who sexually assaulted her when she was much younger. This is another reason why women are choosing the bear, because they won’t have to see the bear at the family reunion. This response, for me, is also a result of the fact that almost every single woman in my life has been nearly sexually assaulted, sexually assaulted or knows someone who has. It is a result of the fact that in America, a person is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds, with 91% of sexual assaults being done to women, and 99% done by men. It is a result of the fact that many women, including myself, feel that if they have not joined this statistic, they will.

“At least if I got attacked by a bear people would actually believe me.”

Many have said this about why they chose the bear, specifically, content creator @mrsjrd on Tiok. No matter how prolific the person is, from superstar Taylor Swift to a fhigh school girl, women are not believed. Taylor Swift was questioned, scrutinized, and judged when she had eight witnesses, and a photo of the assault happening, so why would anyone believe the woman whose only witness is herself? Even with bites, marks and DNA evidence, women are questioned, but, if you show marks from a bear, you are more likely to be believed.

“He didn’t seem threatening; he was skinny as a rake, aging and shorter than me.”

Anna Richards, a hiker on a trail in Armenia actually was faced with this hypothetical country. She took up an offer from a beekeeper to sleep on his porch to avoid the bears. Not even 12 hours later, she said she felt a body on hers and hot breath on her neck. Thankfully, Richards was able to push the man off, but it goes to show that even if women do choose men, it does not pay off.

“You know what to expect from a bear.”

This is exactly what my dad said on whether or not he would want me, his youngest child, alone in the woods with a man or a bear. Because, either a bear will attack or leave you alone, but a man is unpredictable.

“I want to rape you”

When I was 13, that was the phrase I received from a man solely because I would not send nudes to a man who was at least 17. This was solely a reaction to the fact I would not send nudes, and one could only imagine what would have happened if I faced this interaction in person. All of these reasons very clearly showcase why I would choose the bear, and I would probably choose the bear even if I know the man, because as my dad said, men are unpredictable.

“Men are beasts, and even beasts don’t behave as they do”

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