All About ME!

Hello! My name is Ashley and I am 14 years old ,I am a rising freshman and will be attending Arabia Mountain High School in the fall. I do not have any journalism background but I love to write about things that I am most passionate about that could be ranging from talking about my favorite artist which is Frank Ocean at the moment to talking about social issues in the media today. I believe that the different perspectives that people have are so interesting and honestly so refreshing and sometimes very much needed

Growing up I’ve always liked giving my perspective on topic as well as hearing others. I believe that it’s a mixture of both, you are able to hear the opinions of people and are able to do research about it and come up with your own opinion. It’s so much easier to write on a topic that you are passionate about because there is some motivation behind it, rather than writing on a topic that you are not because you are less likely to care as much.

Overall, because of my love to give my opinion and love to write I am interested in journalism and would love to know more about it.

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