Eliza Fox (Biography)

Hello everyone! I am Eliza Fox. I was born in London and lived there for 7 years. I now live in Bethesda, Maryland and attend Bethesda Chevy Chase High School. I will be a junior in the fall. I am very excited to explore journalism more by writing on my school newspaper The Tattler. I have always loved to write and journalism is an area that I would love to explore more. Both of my parents work in media and journalism. I am hoping this class at UGA this summer will teach me the fundamentals to better help me write pieces in the paper. I enjoy reading blogs and articles, so I am hoping to write things that will engage readers. I was part of the yearbook cub in seventh and eighth grade and it was a very interesting experience. It taught me how to properly layout pages that are eye catching and easy to read.

I have been swimming since I was very young and now am on three teams. I swim for my High Schools varsity team, the Capitol Sea-Devils and my neighborhood team The Somerset Dolphins. I love swimming because it brings a sense of community and great team bonding. As well as playing sports, I also enjoy taking photos. In the spring of my freshman year of high school I took photos for the girls lacrosse team and helped out taking photos for The Dolphins. Photography and writing both are parts of my interest which is why media and journalism are paths I would love to continue to learn and explore.

I have attended a sleep away camp in Hartford, Maine since 2018 named Camp Wekeela. I learned many important traits there. I am a very independent person from camp, and it taught me to make and keep in touch with friends all over the globe. When I was young, I waited all year just to go back. Those 2 months in the place I called my second home was all I cared about. However I think one of the most important aspects was not having my phone or other electronics. In 2024 we are all attached to the hip with our phones and its important to remember how to be with people without then.

I am dyslexic, so things come to me a bit harder then some others. My education in London was struggle as kids are taught to read around 5 to 6 years old. It wasn’t until I moved to Maryland that my teacher caught my struggle. I attended a program to reteach me to read. Growing up I thought having dyslexia was the end of the world, but as I have grown up it has taught me to look at things differently. I challenge myself and take classes that other kids who also have learning challenges don’t usually take. I took AP government my freshman year. It was a great chance to see how AP classes are formatted and taught me what to and not to do for my future AP courses.

I love spending time with my friends and family, I am the oldest of 3. I have younger brother who is 13, a younger sister who is 10 and a dog named Archie. I love to travel and listen to music and I am very excited to get my license. I went to Stagecoach Music Festival in April in Palm Springs, California where Coachella is.That’s it from me!

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