Grace Bennett (Biography)

Hi readers, My name is Grace and I’m about to enter my junior year of high school. I’m originally from New York City but I spent 4 years in Washington D.C and am now going on to my second year living in Palm Beach, Florida. I spent my sophomore year and now going into my junior year at Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach. I have little experience in the journalism aspect of writing but I have always had a peaked interest in poetry and short stories. I am now interested in learning about journalism because I want to write for my school paper and help put the yearbook together, and I’m hoping journalism can help cement some fundamentals of writing for me. Writing has always been something I enjoyed learning more about, I also enjoy reading articles and blogs which is another reason I’m interested in Journalism.

I’ve now moved three times across the U.S. from New York City to Washington D.C. to Florida; this has helped shape me into who I am right now. It is fair to say I’ve had many different experiences and I’ve been exposed to different styles of life and circumstances which has helped me mature and evolve quicker than the average teenager. By spending most of my formative years in NYC and Washington D.C., I’ve cemented certain values, societal views, and judgments that threw me into a culture shock after moving to Florida. I am grateful for being able to experience all different kinds of places and livelihoods but it’s been a struggle to figure out exactly who I am and where I belong. I believe this is part of the reason journalism has caught my eye. At a young age, there are already topics, controversies, and societal issues I want to talk about because of the things I’ve been exposed to growing up.

Living in cities most of my life, I never really got into the whole sports world until I started going to an all-girls sleepaway camp. I was 7 years old when I was introduced to the sailboat, and ever since then, sailing has been my outlet for everything. I was so infatuated with sailing that for four years in a row, I triple-booked sailing on my camp schedule so I could do it all day, over and over again. Everyone thought it was silly but now sailing is an advantage I have, especially once moving to Florida. I now get the chance to sail competitively and I get to be part of a team for the next two years there is nothing I find more joy in than doing what inspires me and getting to be part of a team during this time of my life.

I’m pretty much an open book, I love binge-watching shows with my mom, and I’m especially into British murder mysteries right now. I have Raising Canes at least twice a week and I love to drive around with my friends whenever we’re bored. I love teddy bears, I’ve been building my collection since I was 5 years old and I’m going to keep collecting. I go back home to Washington D.C. at least once a month so I can be with my friends and family there. Living in Florida has been really nice, my friends and I take any opportunity we can to tan at the beach (which is every day). I love to laugh, 99% of the time if you see me I’m laughing. This is a quick overview of my life and where I am right now!

Peace – Grace Bennett

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