Kira Taylor Biography

Hi, My name is Kira Taylor and I am a rising senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, GA! Before I came to Woodward Academy in seventh grade, I went to Osborne Middle School which is closer to my hometown, Dacula, Georgia. I have had a major passion for photography and imaging ever since I was around 11 years old and would love to explore it more in college either as a major or just a hobby. I wanted to participate in this Multimedia Journalism course because I am interested in majoring in photojournalism in college next year. I would love to find a way to incorporate my passion for capturing life through images in my professional work. Some colleges I am interested in as of right now are New York University, Spelman College and Georgia Institute of Technology.

In school I participate in many clubs and fun extracurricular activities. I am currently the president of my school’s art club, and a social media manager for my school’s black student union. During my sophomore year, I began a literary arts magazine entitled “Silent Voices” where I allowed my peers at schools to share their talents with either art, poetry or writing. Every year, the yearbook team at my school and I collect either anonymous or identified work from students and publish them to the magazine for the school to share and enjoy. I also participate in theatre at my school with my friends. This year I shared the stage with them when we preformed our adaptation of “Legally Blonde” in February.

Photography is my main focus at the moment when it comes to a career or college. During all four years of high school, I have taken regular to advanced film photography classes. I was first introduced to the basics of the darkroom my freshman year and have since made it my own by engaging in many multimedia and alternative projects. I am less familiar with digital photography and editing, but am more than open to learning more about it in college. This summer, I have begun a film photography course for middle schoolers through Horizons Atlanta where I teach kids around the Atlanta area who may not have access to film cameras or a darkroom to be introduced to the creative space that means so much to me. It is a major passion of mine to share the opportunity I am fortunate enough to have with others.

Some of my other major passions and interests include music and film. Some of my favorite artists include Stevie Wonder, Frank Ocean and Devonté Hynes. I have never been to a concert, but it is a dream of mine to go to one and take pictures for social media or an article. My passion for film and movies is also extremely prominent in my life. I do not make films, but watching them is one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy going on Letterboxd and sharing my opinions on films and engaging with my friends. Some of my favorite films include Pixar’s “Ratatouille” and Gaspar Noé’s “Climax.”

Self portrait I took on film in 2023

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