Libraries necessary for free-flow of information

by Marin Torres
Oconee High School

Every weekend my mom would make an effort to take my brothers and I to the library. I can only imagine what this looked like to other people. My mom would often bring a laundry basket filled to the brim with books, followed by three kids, all carrying books. The library played an integral role in my childhood and the childhood of many others.

In the current political climate, there have been efforts to defund government funding for libraries through budget cuts. According to PBS, the Missouri House voted to cut all funding for libraries in its version of the state’s annual budget. If this budget were to be passed, it would eliminate an estimated $4.5 million in funding for public libraries in Missouri. The state senate, however, rejected this budget and restored the library funds in the Missouri budget.

Although the budget for defunding the Missouri Library did not pass, the effort to defund public libraries still runs rampant. Lawmakers in Texas, Michigan, Iowa, and Indiana have all made the effort to try and defund their local libraries, whether that be through legislation, budget cuts, or lack of resources. 

Public libraries serve the public with unlimited books for both reading and research. Providing books free of charge can not only continually help underserved people, but can even foster a children’s love of reading. Libraries provide education and information to everyone, regardless of socio-economic status.

I had grown up at the library and I am a firm believer that the local library is what caused me to love reading. 

Ella Murrow, a resident of Watkinsville, Ga, recalls the library being one of the highlights of their childhood. “I remember loving the library and all the different kinds of activities they would hold,” they said, “when choosing books, it was like a choose your own adventure type of situation. There were endless opportunities of what books I could choose and what I wanted to read”

Accessible internet connection further continues to be a vital reason why libraries play an important role within communities. High speed internet access free of charge at libraries benefits students without access to the internet, families who do not have fast internet, and often, in rural areas, this can be the only source of internet for some people. This day in age, it is vital to have some sort of connection to the internet, and public libraries fill in this gap. 

According to a survey conducted by the Gates Foundation, nearly one-third of Americans age 14 or older–roughly 77 million people–used a public library computer or wireless network to access the Internet in the past year. Moreover, overall, 44 percent of people living below the federal poverty line used computers and the Internet at their public libraries.

Ensuring that people have access to the internet within the community is crucial in making sure that people have the equal opportunity to succeed. Public libraries across the country provide the essential need for the internet especially within rural and underserved areas.

In addition to access to internet connection, libraries often hold community events which supply educational resources on the use of the internet. Technology-related services, projects, and programs are also available at libraries. 

At libraries, there is often a sense of community that cannot be replicated. Many local libraries serve as a community center, with free, or low, cost in-person clubs and events the community can attend. This could include children storytime, to family game nights. Students can study at libraries which provide quiet, safe study environments. 

According to UNESCO, 250 million children are failing to acquire basic literacy skills. Not having basic literacy skills as a kid, will only continue to harm them as they grow older. Not acquiring basic literacy skills can be due to many factors, but one of the underlying factors is poverty. 

For less fortunate families who do not have the resources for their children, libraries hold a tremendous role in ensuring that kids are experiencing the important use of how to read and write. Through having storytimes open for the public, as well crafts related to books, helps foster a love of literature for kids. 

Many memories of mine are at the library looking through the endless shelves of books. I am forever grateful that my parents made an effort to take my brothers and I to the local library. The library is one of the most important institutions in our country. Not only does the library provide people with accessible internet and tools to help them succeed with their career and livelihood, the library provides endless opportunities to children within the community.

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